About Urushako


Urushako -is simply a Kinyarwanda word for marriage, We are a Gospel centered marriage ministry based in Kigali-Rwanda.

  • Globally, reaching every Kinyarwanda speaking believer online with Gospel centered teachings on marriage.
  • Locally, equipping groups of believers through Gospel centered marriage trainings.
  • Individually, walking with singles and young couples as they prepare for their marriage, and newlyweds as they discover how marriage life works through counseling.

As we search through the Bible to find and follow God’s guidance for marriage in our Rwandan context, we will soon see a Rwandan community made of marriages rooted in the love of Christ.

A glimpse of what God did in 2022

Our dream

Our dream is to see the Rwandan community made of marriages that are rooted in the love of Christ: Where husband and wife live together in a lifelong commitment to love and cherish each other, Children are raised in that love being trained to trust in the Lord Jesus for both their salvation and daily provision, and young adults are trained to build strong relationships that will lead to strong marriages.

A little bit of History

In June 2020, the national institute of statistics of Rwanda announced that for the first time in history divorces increased to about 6.8 times in one year going from 1311 in 2018 to 8941 in 2019. As believers, this was heartbreaking. We believe that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16) and no one should separate what God has joined together in marriage (Matthew 19:6-7). We started to seriously pray for Rwandan marriages.

One month later, Johnny, our founder, was asked by one of his former colleagues to lead an online seminar on Gospel centered marriage. In that webinar, God opened Johnny’s eyes to the potential and effectiveness of online ministry. Especially, since it was in a time of social distancing due to Covid-19. He then started engaging all of us with the idea of starting a marriage ministry that would simply focus on systematically studying the Bible to find God’s guidance for marriage, living out the truth we had found, and using online platforms to share that truth with everyone.

Our humble beginnings

Once the four of us (Johnny, Francine, Bosco and Samy) had grasped the idea. We quickly realized that we didn’t have what it takes to run a marriage ministry. However, we decided to proceed in the little strength we had 1 Judges 6:14 and made it our philosophy to learn as we go.

On September 17, 2020 we launched our website and published our first article. The goal of our online ministry is to provide a resource base of sound teachings on Gospel centered marriage that are both in Kinyarwanda, the local language, and well contextualized to the Rwandan community.